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    The Master doing the Beatles

    I can't say anything. Ladies and Gentlemen, Tommy Emmanuel:


    Eco Nuts (NTY) Say Cold is CAUSED by Warming


    Bizarro World. That is where these people live. You remember that place, doncha? Basically an opposite planet from Superman comics. Their code was: "Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!"

    Well, the mind-numbed NY Times,   from their snowed-in ivory tower in Bizarro proclaimed:

    Most climate scientists respond that the ferocious storms are consistent with forecasts that a heating planet will produce more frequent and more intense weather events

    It gets worse:

    Jeff Masters, a meteorologist who writes on the Weather Underground blog, said that the recent snows do not, by themselves, demonstrate anything about the long-term trajectory of the planet. Climate is, by definition, a measure of decades and centuries, not months or years.

     But Dr. Masters also said that government and academic studies had consistently predicted an increasing frequency of just these kinds of record-setting storms because warmer air carries more moisture.

    “Of course,” he wrote on his blog Wednesday as new snows produced white-out conditions in much of the Eastern half of the country, “both climate-change contrarians and climate-change scientists agree that no single weather event can be blamed on climate change.

    First of all, Weather Underground???

    Then did you notice the spin in the language? Climate-change contrarians vs climate-change scientists.

    Great new viral using the Who's "Baba O'Riley"


     Hat tip: Smitty of The Other McCain

    Here is the heat-caused snow, looking out my back door:



    Who Dat? and What Dat All De Controversy?

    As a youngster, my Dad loved to play this game on us kids. He'd come home and shout "Who Dat?" and we would answer "Who DAT?" to which he would reply, "Who Dat who say Who Dat afta I say Who Dat?" Seems it came from a vaudeville routine but evidently Dad had heard it recently and loved to do the routine with Mom and me.

    Everything old is new again.

    Usher in the 2010 New Orleans Saints and their "Who Dat" Nation. That's's mainstream now. And Dad even knew back then that if not offensive,  it bordered on mockery. But it was still fun and the Saints fans have found that out too. Why, it's the lead in the Super Bowl Pre Show. It's also on Wikipedia. Jeez, I'm outta touch sometimes but the history is all there. Including this little gem of a cartoon (from the makers of the Inkwell shorts) and...notice the frogs (who are voiced by the Ink Spots)...they look strangely familiar, like the WB Frog, perhaps?


    Notice the controversy with the big, bad NFL threatening to shut down little old t-shirt makers. But the fans boycotted and the NFL caved.


    Oh...Colts by 10. It's Manning's time.


    R-R-R-U-N-N-N-I-N-G in the Winter

    They call it the Freezer 5's: today was the 5K and in two weeks, we'll run 5 miles. They is the Taconic Road Runners, evil masochistic fiends that they are and 300 people chattered through their 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) in frigid and snowy FDR Park in Yorktown, NY.

    Not unlike many "polar bear" runs held throughout the northern climes, the Freezer 5's are a tradition in the Westchester County area, north of NYC. A great way to break out of the winter doldrums and start on that new health regime that I set for myself after looking at the post-holiday scale numbers. And with Daytona just weeks away, I need to get down to T-shirt weight...and quick.

    And this was just Registration. Race time temp 23 degrees.

    I run to transcend. It's just that simple. Sometimes it's to ward off the throes of impending mortality. Other times it's to shed pounds. But most of the time, especially if I am stuck, I can find a way out of the impasse while on a run. I have heard it before and I get is a transcendant experience.


    1 a : exceeding usual limits : surpassing b : extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience c in Kantian philosophy : being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge
    2 : being beyond comprehension
    3 : transcending the universe or material existence

    Many times, when I least expect it, I trip into another dimension. Usually that is after mile four/five...definitely by mile 8. I have had outer body scenes where I was watching myself run, almost guiding my body through the woods (the forest is the only place to run, really.) Often, on cloudy days, I see my shadow as I run past the threshold.

    But today, was all about finishing, surviving, and participating. I've been alone alot, working on the book, the new song and plotting my tea-tour of the country, so agonizing with 300 others is just the remedy. Only by mile one, I was struggling to keep up with a Mom and her daughter. "Come on, Emily, you can do it," the Mom offered. Emiliy, it turned out, was not only in front of me, but also 14 years old. Now when you are running in a rhythm, there is no way you can just pull ahead. I'm no Eammon Coughlin but this shall not stand, man (re: The Dude.) I caught her at the finish line and almost elbowed my wasy across. I think it was a tie. Oh, well, we high-fived and I limped back to the car. 3.1 miles: 29:17. Hey, I broke 30 minutes and that was the goal.

    But here's the big reveal today. No one's going to do it for me. I have to pick each foot up and run the race. I have to make this tour happen, one step at a time. Gotta get transcendant.

    Next stop: Volusia Fair Grounds



    Sarah Electrifies the Convention

    This is part 1. The remaining sections are in the bar to the right on youtube.

    She validated the Tea Party for myself and millions of others. The entire weekend has. Her line, "The blue Dogs are peeking under our tent," was great.  Of the eleven standing ovations the most heartfelt was about preserving the Constitution. Wish I was there. I tried three months ago but they had their agenda locked back then. Next convention July 15-17. Don't miss it.