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    The REAL Gun Nuts

    In response to the Boston Globe's bizarre op-ed by the Brockton teacher where he favors children in lockdown, his own child included, in a target-rich environment for the assailing shooter...over allowing qualified and licensed personell to carry. Even if Darwin was right and the sooner wingnuts like this are culled from the DNA pool the better, his daughter has the right to live, along with all the other children.



    Elizabeth Gilbert and Creativity

    My loving girlfriend pointed me towards this, as a way, I believe to help me and also to show she is getting it. Gilbert ("Eat. Pray. Love") talks about the creative process, through the ages, with its inherent torture to the soul of the artist. Well, according to her and Tom Waits, it doesn't have to be like that.

    If you are at all a creative soul, watch this.


    Bobbly McFerrin - Does "Balckbird"

    I'm speechless


    The KSM Confession...why is THIS not being played?

    H/T: My Thomson

    Khalid Sheikh Muhammad freely confesses, with a lawyer, under no duress, all his crimes  before a U.S. military Combatant Status Review Tribunal and is determined to be en "enemy combatant."

    Warning: Contains grisly sequence of Daniel Pearl execution which this rat committed.

    They can't kill this guy quick enough, yet he is living better than Bernie Madoff.


    Paul Ryan Tells Obama the Truth About Their Lies

    In a matter-of-fact tone, Rep. Paul Ryan gave the keynote at the Health Care "Summit" and not surprisingly, the main stream media ignored it. It was the TRUTH, the truth about the unsustainability of Obama's "plan" that he claims, with a straight face, will pay for itself. Where is Joe Wilson when we need him? Even the Washington Post, an Obama cheerleader, printed it and had nothing to say at Obama's vapid reply.

    Every American should watch this. If and when this debacle takes place, history will show this moment as the Biggest Lie in American history.