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    « The Cavern Under the "Hutch" | Main | Snowmageddon - Look A Squirrel! »

    It's FREEZING out!

    How many times have you heard that? Come to LA and hear it when the temps dip into the low 50's. It's enough to make a born-and-bred New Yorker's blood boil. Especially since last winter when I returned to my Putnam County cabin for a month, I went snowshoeing in Zero degrees temps and got minor frostbite on my toes (they call it frost nip.) 

    I have taken the uber-cold for granted for too long. Everyone should have to read this article from Outside Magazine: "As s Freezing Persons Recollects The Snow - First Chill - Then Stupor - Then Letting Go."

    Then there's the story of heavy metal singer, Terje Bakken, who tried walking to his parents cabin but got caught in a Norweigian snowstorm and was found frozen three days later.

    But I knew all this. Jack London told me in "To Build A Fire."


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