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    « Exposing the American Tea Party- New series from the Pasadena Patriots | Main | Amish Can Opt-Out of ObamaCare »

    Al Jazeera Says I am a White Power Racist for Singing My Song

    In a post of a new "documentary "from filmakers Rick Rowely and Jacquie Soohen, the entire tea party movement and myself (singled out singing "Take Our Country Back at the 9-12 March in D.C.) are painted as white power supremacists and dangerous people. It is a sorry case of misapplied logic.

    • White supremacists are racist
    • Some white supremacists are Tea Party members
    • All Tea Party Members are racists

    The piece is so misinformed, misguided and slanted that I am at a loss for the next step. The equate the lyric "Take it back, Take our country back," as meaning take it back from the non-whites. This is absolute garbage and not what the lyric means, nor what the 1.7 million in attendance probably perceived it to mean. See the full lyric here.

     So I ask you, dear reader, What Should I Do?

    I could start proceedings to take it down as it is a copyrighted song but I might not be able to as it was a news item. However, the filmmakers are SELLING DVD's of the film. Or should I let it go under the dictum "Even bad publicity is good publicity."  Or start a groundswell to demand YouTube take it down. (BTW - while it is posted at YouTube,  as of this posting, it will not play. It only plays on AlJazeeraEnglish. And that should be the only red flag you need to know where this is coming from. I did a simply search on the filmakers and found them in bed with Soros. Gee, Soros AND Al Jazeera...the Exacta.

    It's 24 minutes and my piece is at 18:30

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